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Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Screening & Treatment Project 2018 (CCASTP 2018)

January - December 2018
Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Screening & Treatment Project 2018 (CCASTP 2018)
January to December 2018

Project Objectives:-

  1. This project aims to trigger general public awareness about the prevalence of colorectal cancer which contributes to the second largest cancer related mortality worldwide.
  2. The execution of this large-scale project with four detailed phases has delivered education, screening, treatment and personalized support programs into tens and thousands of Malaysian homes.
  3. Through early detection of colorectal cancer and curative treatment, this project has saved numerous lives since 2010.
  4. We strive to continue this effort in 2018 and reach out to tens of thousands of Malaysians so as to save more lives through early cancer detection and intervention.
  5. To raise the awareness of colorectal cancer and to advocate for a greater outreach to reach wider Malaysian populations, EMPOWERED implemented a different yet essential model of our 9-years signature CCASTP in 2018.

Phase 1 & 2: CCASTP 2018 – Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Screening Campaign

Collaboration: Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya (JKWPKL&P)

Project Execution: 1st January to 31st May 2018 (5 months, inclusive of preparatory and planning phase, training workshops, pre-event/event/post event activities,screening and post screening activities)

1. PRE-EVENT DAY Activities (January – mid of April 2018)


This is the 9th year of EMPOWERED’s CCASTP since the project was launched in 2010. To make it a success, EMPOWERED’s team has approached and met with both governmental and private bodies numerous times for collaborations, educational training, internal discussions and project monitoring prior to events.

A) Meeting with JKWPKL&P & Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Titiwangsa (PKDT)

Date: 6th March 2018 (Tuesday) Time: 9.00am to 12.00pm Venue: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur

This year, we have stronger and more in-depth collaboration with KL & Putrajaya State Health Department (JKWPKL&P) to make the Colorectal Cancer Screening Workshop 2018 a success. A meeting was conducted to establish the issues faced with regards to colorectal cancer advocacy works in Malaysia and to present the proposal of collaborating for screening workshop in order to lighten the issues. It was a great discussion and with mutual agreement, we proposed to run the Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Screening Workshop 2018 in Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur, which governs under JKWPKL&P.

B) Meeting At Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur

Through the introduction of JKWPKL&P, we had our subsequent meeting with the person in charged, specifically the colorectal team in Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (KKKL). Discussion on the floor plan, logistics, screening process flow, manpower assistance and other details were addressed in the meeting.

Further discussions and meetings were carried out at KKKL on 11th April, 16th April and 20th April 2018 respectively. With mutual agreement, we confirmed the collaboration and the date for the event was set on 23rd April 2018 to 26th April 2018. All the meetings ended with its objectives achieved through agenda that was discussed.

C) 1st & 2nd Student Volunteers Trainings for Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Screening Workshop

Date: 17th & 19th April 2018 (Tuesday & Thursday)
Venue: International Medical University (IMU), Bukit Jalil

Selected volunteers were trained as Registrar/FIT-Kit Instructor/Usher to conduct interview, FIT-Kit tutorial, and to facilitate on the process flow of the awareness and screening days in order to ensure the program can be run smoothly. Interview questions, tutorials and role-play were taught comprehensively to ensure the volunteers were well-equipped with necessary information and knowledge prior to the event.

Volunteers’ Job Scopes:

  1. Registrar – to perform pre-requisite screening questionnaire and to notify medical officer directly if there is presence of warning signs
  2. FIT-Kit Instructor – to explain in detail to patients how to use the FIT-Kits, when and where to return the FIT-Kits and to inform about the rewards upon returning of the FIT-Kits
  3. Usher – to promote and provide screening information and assist in patient flow control
    A total of 25 student volunteers from IMU were selected to assist in the awareness and screening workshop. Every volunteer was assigned to a specific role based on their voluntary and capability. The students were briefed through the screening workshop floor plan, process flow, and screening criteria, then they were assigned into smaller groups according to their roles for detailed training. We prepared different training materials for each role including specific handout and model, and assigned respective EMPOWERED staff to lead the group for detailed training and role-play. Role-play sessions were practised in three languages as well as dialect to meet the different language aspects of the community.


Date: 23rd to 26th April 2018 (Monday to Thursday)
Time: 8.00am to 1.00pm
Venue: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur
Target: to get at least 200 participants screened

To achieve improvised cost-efficiency and effectiveness, we combined our awareness and screening workshop to execute a brand new workshop while retaining our 9 years essence screening system and flow.

Thanks to KKKL’s colorectal team, a television was set up to deliver colorectal cancer’s essential information to the public while they waited for their turn. On top of that, our EMPOWERED staff were ready to educate the public on colorectal cancer’s knowledge and encourage those who are eligible to participate in our workshop. Flyers and brochures were distributed to further raise public awareness on colorectal cancer.

Volunteers’ Job Scopes:

  1. Usher: To check the public who were eligible for screening (Malaysian citizen, age 50 and above, resident in Titiwangsa, household income is below RM3,000) and shared general knowledge to the public about colorectal cancer.
  2. Registrars: To perform 8-steps registration process; stick green sticker onto qualified subject or red/yellow sticker onto non-qualified subject, issue a labelled running number FIT-kit and instructional brochure to qualified subjects. If there is presence of warning signs, notify EMPOWERED staff and send the patient to medical officer.
  3. FIT-Kit instructors: To conduct FIT-kit tutorial to subjects, staple “how to return the FIT-Kit” reminder note to the instructional brochure and place them back to the clear plastic bag.
  4. Usher: To give a goodie bag to subjects who are wearing green and yellow stickers. Remove the green and yellow sticker and mark in the Check-out List.

Initially, we targeted 200 of the general public to participate in the Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening Workshop 2018. Surprisingly, we received an overwhelming response from the public and by the end of the workshop, we exceeded the targeted number by 14 participants.

In total, we had a total of 214 registered subjects but only 185 of them were eligible for FOBT (Faecal Occult Blood Test). Our goal were to advocate for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer among the mass public.

We will continue to collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organizations to achieve cancer advocacy and early cancer detection in the country.

Phase 3: CCASTP 2018 – Collection of Used FIT-Kits and Arrangement For Hospital Visits For Residents with Positive Result (Blood In The Stool)

Collaboration: Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya (JKWPKL&P)

Project Execution: 24th April 2018 to June 2018


Date: 24th April to 30th April 2018 (Tuesday to Monday)
Time: 8.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur

FIT-Kits collection and screening were carried out simultaneously. Participants were given 2 – 3 days to collect stool samples and return the used FIT-Kit to EMPOWERED’s collection counters at Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur on the given dates. Patients who returned their FIT-kit stood a chance for lucky draw as reward and to increase the returned rate.

Collection counters operated until evening to allow more time for the participants to return the kit. Besides, EMPOWERED’s staff would call up the participant if they did not show up to return the FIT-Kit and this further ensure the compliance rate.

At the end of each collection day, EMPOWERED’s staff would send the samples (FIT-Kits) to Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur’s lab immediately for processing. Results of the test were given back to EMPOWERED on the following screening/collection day.


Date: 28th May 2018 (Monday) & 30th May 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 2.00pm (28th), 10.00am (30th)
Venue: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur

Dates of breaking bad news was set on 28th and 30th May 2018, and were executed by EMPOWERED’s team and Medical Officer, Dr. Nurdalila from Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur .

After all the positive results were compiled, the name list was synchronised with the medical officer in-charge. EMPOWERED’s staff then called up the (positive results) participants to inform them of the date and time of receiving report at Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur.

Participants first had to register themselves with Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur, then checked-in with EMPOWERED’s staff and queued for their turn.

After that, Medical officer would called-in the registered patients into consultation room to receive report. Then, the medical officer would explain the result and the next procedure, followed by issuing a referral letter to the patient for subsequent hospital visit.

After receiving news from the medical officer, patient would get a hospital visit appointment date from EMPOWERED’s staff upon check-out.

The importance of this appointment is to assure and comfort any subjects who may be traumatized or saddened with the news and to answer any questions that they may have regarding the hospital visit and the Patient Support Program by Empowered.

EMPOWERED’s staff would try their very best to convince these subjects to make themselves available for the first hospital visits based on the dates given. There were in total 9 subjects who were tested positive (found blood in stool) and were referred to hospital for further check-up. The release of negative results for other participants were carried out starting on the 30th May 2018 onwards.

Phase 4: CCASTP 2018 – Patient Support Program

Project Execution: June 2018 to NOW (In progress)

Venue: Hospital Ampang

5. Patient Support Program

This is essentially a support program for our beneficiaries. EMPOWERED recognizes that the beneficiaries, who need to undergo treatment, require emotional and moral support throughout their medical journey.

In this Patient Support Program, we make arrangements for the residents to be picked up from their home doorsteps for all the hospital appointments and ensure that they receive much needed companionship and psychological support from our trained volunteers.

With JKWPKL&P great support, EMPOWERED was able to liaise and arrange appointments with hospitals for patients with positive blood in stool efficiently. Following that, we collaborated with Hospital Ampang for the subsequent hospital visits.

Patient Support Program:

  1. Personalized support will be provided throughout their medical journey from diagnosis to end of cancer treatment by our trained staff and volunteers
  2. EMPOWERED will remind the residents on every hospital visits 2 days prior to their appointments via call and message.
  3. This elaborated support system was created to provide complete emotional and moral support so as to ensure that our beneficiaries will follow through to their entire medical journey.

Hospital Visits
1. Register at respective hospital
2. Consult with doctor and receive bowel preparation tutorial and medication with colonoscopy appointment date
3. Colonoscopy
4. Follow up on colonoscopy results/findings
5. Other procedures/follow up (conditionally)

Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Screening and Treatment Project 2018 Appreciation:

    In Collaboration with:

  1. Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya(JKWPKLP)
  2. Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (KKKL)

    Cash Sponsors:

  1. Amgen Business Unit- Zuellig Pharma Sdn Bhd
  2. Ben Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
  3. Eli Lilly (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  4. Eppendorf Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd
  5. Fresenius Kabi Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  6. IDB Resources Sdn Bhd
  7. Inter-Sports Marketing S/B
  8. PNC Holdings Sdn Bhd
  9. Roche (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  10. Urban Imix Sdn Bhd
  11. Yee See See

    In Kind Sponsors:

  1. Chuan Sin Sdn Bhd
  2. JustLorry
  3. Shoon Fatt Biscuit & Confectionery Factory S/B
  4. Sony Pictures Releasing International (Malaysia)

    Special Thanks to:

  1. International Medical University (IMU)
  2. Ms Sue Lee
  3. Yakult Malaysia Sdn Bhd